Friday, May 2, 2014

Other Blog Discussions: America

I looked at Paige's blog on the Shaker style of design. It was really interesting and I liked how she related their values to the design style. She also had really good pictures and current applications.
I also looked at Rachael's blog. I liked how she looked at the really early colonial style and how it evolved into what we think of today. She also had really good pictures and examples.

American Design: Colonial

The first English settlement was in Jamestown, Virginia. The Europeans came to America for religious freedom and because so many countries aided in the founding of the New World, the design styles from colonial America vary greatly. Each nationality settled in areas that seemed familiar to them and built homes like the ones they were used to. For the most part the homes all had small windows with shutters, a large stone fireplace, and a central work center.  

Some of the most well known and recognized colonial homes are the plantation houses. The are characterized by two stories laid out in a T or cross floor plan. They had a central passageway that separated the public and private areas of the home. Also featured is enclosed porches and a stair tower. Fireplaces were located along the outside of the rooms.

Another very recognizable colonial style is the French Colonial. These homes are typically found along rivers. They have full length porches and exterior stairs. Because of their location along rivers, raised floors were common. French doors are also a common feature in these homes.

The Dutch style is also common and and can be seen often in design today. The Dutch Colonial style can be found along the Hudson River. They are characterized by steep roofs, and crow-stepped gables. They have Dutch doors and ornamental tiles.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Other Blog Discussions: English Renaissance

The first blog that I looked at today was Lindsay's. I really liked how she focused on the Early Renaissance and talked about the different styles during that time and compared them to each other. I also looked at Natalie's blog. She talked a lot about the different designers and what they each contributed to the Neoclassical style during the Renaissance. I really liked how informative her blog was.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

English Renaissance: Queen Anne Style

One of the most distinguishable and widely known design styles that originated during the English Renaissance was the Queen Anne style. It came about during the Middle Renaissance between 1660 and 1750. Although Queen Anne was neither interested or influential in the design of the period, it grew into the popular style it is today. It became known as the golden age of cabinet work and mahogany became the preferred wood of the time.

William Kent, the main designer from this period, was the first English architect to design furniture for specific interiors. He was inspired by both Palladian and Baroque concepts.

The furniture started to take on new designs and it started to become lighter, smaller, and more comfortable. The chairs from this time had no carvings, only general shapes, padded seats, slots along the back, and a claw and ball foot. Both the Wing chair and the Windsor chair originated during this time as well as the card table. Wing chairs have remained popular and can still been seen frequently in modern design.

Historic Wing Chair
Modern Wing Chair

The Queen Anne style is still a very popular and well known style. Many times the features from this time can be seen in dining rooms. It makes a very elegant yet comfortable space.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Other Blog Discussions: French Renaissance

I looked at Katrina's blog today. She included a lot of really good pictures of the architecture, furniture, and modern applications of the Rococo style. She also explained the style very well and talked about it's influence on modern design.
I also looked at Kristina's blog. She showed examples of all of the French Renaissance styles and went into a lot of detail about the Baroque style. There were good pictures of the architecture and gardens from the time as well as modern applications.
Both blogs were very informative and fun to read.

French Renaissance Video

For more information in the Rococo style and the history of the time, watch this video!!

French Renaissance: Rococo Style

The French Renaissance was made of various different styles, many which were a result of the style before it. The Rococo style, which took place form 1730-1760, followed the Regency style. It took place during Louis XV's reign and the beginning of Louis XVI's reign. Unprecedented economic growth and urbanization helped make the art of this time prevalent to all people.
The town mansions in Paris were known as hotels and had a strip of construction along the street that opened into a courtyard leading to the main part of the home. The homes started to become more private and comfortable featuring many halls, corridors, and secret rooms. The Salon was the center of all activity and hostesses competed to entertain the most important and prominent guests. The rooms took on a feminine feel with rounded corners, light and airy colors, fireplaces with marble frames, and frames pictures on the walls.

Furniture was important during this time and teams of workers that belonged to a certain guild were being formed. Pattern books also became popular allowing for the guilds to copy designs. For the first time, the common people, not monarchs, were creating the designs. Merchants were the key motivators of the furniture styles. The furniture took on a 3D appearance and was scaled to fit the body. It also retained the intimate style and cabriole leg. Popular furniture pieces from this time included the Tete-a-tete chair and the Bureau de Roi which was similar to a roll-top desk.

This style remains popular and can still be seen influencing spaces and rooms in design today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spanish Renaissance Video

This is a really good video that shows the influence that the Moorish culture had on Spanish architecture. Check it out!!!

Other Blog Discussions: Spanish Renaissance

Today I looked at Justine and Kristina P.'s blogs. Justine did a good job looking at the styles of architecture and the important building that came from the Spanish Renaissance. She also did a really good job of showing current applications in design today. Kristina's blog went into a lot of detail about the different castles and cathedrals from this period and showed a lot of really good pictures of exteriors and interiors, as well as current application.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spanish Renaissance

The 16th century is considered one of the most brilliant eras in Spanish history. It was during this time that Ferdinand and Isabella ruled over the country and when Columbus acquired the title to the New World. With the conquering of civilizations came great wealth of silver and gold for the Spanish.

During the Spanish Renaissance there were two main schools of art including the Moors and the Spanish Christians. The Alhambra in Granada, Spain is known as the greatest achievements of the Moors before their expulsion in 1607. It has a plain exterior but inside is filled with courtyards, gardens, fountains, and pools.

There were two phases to the Spanish Renaissance. The first one was the Plateresco Phase, named after the Spanish silversmiths (platero) because of the minute and delicate ornamentation. This phase had heavily decorated buildings that were built using Gothic or Renaissance construction. The second phase was the Desornamentado Phase which came as a result of the Plateresco Phase. It was characterized by unornamentation and austerity. Examples of this style can be seen in many court and public buildings.

Like in the Italian Renaissance, residential design was very important to the people of this time. Palaces became extremely popular and many modest rural houses were also built. Residential design was highly influenced by the Moors and included elaborate decorations in galleries, patios, windows, and doors. The most artistic feature found in interiors is the iron grilles (rejas). The rejas is still an important feature in design today. Another key feature is the plaster work that surrounds the doors and windows of many buildings. Because Spain was the leading center in the leather world at the time, Cordoba leather was also a prominent feature. Often times it as gilded and painted. Fringes, braids, tassels, and decorative nail heads are also prominent features from the time.

Furniture was also important during this time and inlay work became one of Spain's finest achievements. The furniture was characterized by its simple and bold design as well as its heavy proportions. Walnut was popular as well as the ornamental wrought-iron under braces. Cabinet pieces were commonly found in homes and the most popular included the vargueno. It was a receptacle for documents and valuables and could be used for a desk. There were two bases, the puente (trestle base) and the taquillon (facade of drawers), that could be used with the vargueno. The other popular cabinet piece was the papelera which was similar to the vargueno without the drop front for a desk. It was also mounted on ball feet.  

Many characteristics from this period can still be seen in design today. Here are a couple of examples:

Friday, March 14, 2014

Italian Renaissance Video

This is a great video to learn more about the Italian Renaissance and to see some of the beautiful buildings from the time.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Other Blog Discussions: Italian Renaissance

Today I looked at John's blog. He really talked about how the Renaissance focused more on interiors than previous time periods. He talked about the new innovations that were being made and why it was important to design today. He also included some good pictures. I also looked at Kristina P's blog. I enjoyed how much she talked about the Palazzos and the design features. She also included a lot of really good pictures from the time period and current applications.

Italian Renaissance

The Italian Renaissance lasted from 1400-1600 and began in Florence, Italy. The Renaissance was a shift from Romanesque and Gothic design to the rebirth of the classical Greek and Roman design. It was also a shift from a religious focus to a more secular one and residential design became very popular. Not only were there reforms within the field of architecture and design, there were reforms within the church. Everyone, no matter what class, was interested in the arts. Comfort, beauty, and convenience all became more important that safety, strength, and protection.

The Palazzo, the Italian palace, is a huge aspect of design from this period. It emphasized alternation and repetition as well as progression. It was composed of three divisions (stories), and a heavy cornice, and featured compound windows. It was structured similar to the Roman domus in the aspect that there were no hallways. All rooms were accessible from the central courtyard. The living areas were on the 2nd and 3rd floors above a store space. The ground floor featured a  grad staircase that led to the piano nobile, the main living area located on the second floor. The interiors of the palazzos included elaborate frescos, tapestries, and fireplaces. One of the most prominent palazzos belonged to the Medici family. It is located in Florence and was designed by Michelozzo di Bartolommeo. There were three main principles that they followed in the design of this palazzo including symmetry, public rooms that were accessible directly from the main entrance, and dividing the rooms into smaller "apartments" belonging to one person.

One of the most influential architects from this time was Andrea Palladio. Through his writing of The Four Books on Architecture, Palladio inspired many people including Thomas Jefferson. One of his greatest accomplishments was the Villa Rotunda. Each side of the villa featured a classical temple front with stairs, columns, entablature, and pediment. All of the rooms were arranged symmetrically around the central dome. Palladio recommended proportions in architecture that were based on buildings from the Classical world.

The features from this time can be seen in modern building especially in many American governmental buildings. By including the classical forms in design, buildings gain a feeling on importance and sophistication.

The interiors of this time included decorative moldings, elaborately coffered ceilings, painted walls, beautifully decorated fireplace mantles, pilasters, and floors decorated in geometric patterns. The furniture was portable with gilding and inlays of ivory, and beautiful stones.

Because the interiors were of such importance during this time, there was a rise in the amount of furniture from the period. Major pieces from this time include the cassone (chest), cassapanca (the influence for sofas), elaborate beds, the trestle table, and the Florentine table (seen in the French Empire and English Regency).  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Other Blog Discussions: The Americas

I looked at Katie's blog about the Americas this week. She focused on the Olmec civilization and talked a lo about their carvings and the art that they made. She included some really good pictures too.
I also looked at Jessica's blog about the Teotihuacan. She made a lot of interesting points about the city and the buildings in it and had some great examples of current applications.


Teotihuacan, is an ancient city from 100-750 B.C. The city lies north of present day Mexico City in the Valley of Teotihuacan. It was a major center for agriculture, rituals, and trade. At the highest point of the civilization, Teotihuacan was home to approximately 200,000 people and was one of the largest cities in the world. The city is built around a central axis in a grid formation with one end leading to the 2 mile long ritual site. This site includes the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon.

The Pyramid of the Sun is built on top of a four-chambered cave. It is the largest pyramid in the Americas at 705 sq feet and 206 feet tall.

The Pyramid of the Moon is at the end of the central axis and faces south. The temples have a basic construction of taluds (gently sloped base) and tableros (the raised panel).

The residents of the city lived in apartment style homes. The buildings all had rooms that opened off a central courtyard which contained alters and a temple platform. Central rooms in the apartments were dark due to the lack of windows. The courtyards have two steps followed by square piers which support the framed panel. The complexes were surrounded by a high wall and they were only accessible through a single entrance. Although they were not architectural marvels like the pyramids, they provided a good living environment for many of the people.


The influence the Meso-American cultures had on design can still be seen today through these pictures of current applications.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Gothic Video

Check out this YouTube video to learn a little more about Gothic architecture and see some examples of the beautiful buildings from the period.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Gothic Period

A huge component of Gothic architecture is the arches that were developed during that time. They are pointed arches with meaning that the height is not dependent on the width of the archway, unlike the Romanesque arches. During this time, the architects realized what an element of design the arches really are and emphasizes the vertical plane more than the horizontal one. Not only were they used as architectural features, they also served to hold up the walls and support the structure of the buildings.

One of the most famous buildings from this period is the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. The upward expression of the cathedral shows the importance of the vertical plane and is highlighted by the towers, pointed arches, and spires. Not only that but along the horizontal axis, the facade is divided and the further the section is from the middle, the more narrow it is adding to the impression of height. Even the interior of the cathedral is built to establish a sense of height and light. They developed a four-story interior and eliminated space that was used for the clerestory which lets light into the main part of the church. Because of this, despite all of the glass and light incorporated into the design, the Notre Dame, like many other Gothic cathedrals, is actually quite dark.

Another key feature to the Gothic architecture was the flying buttresses. They started as a way to hold up leaning walls but evolved into an architectural feature that became the first step in separating the walls from the actual structure.These flying buttresses were a huge part of the architecture from this time and can still be seen in modern design today.

By making the profile of the buttresses as small as possible, more room able to be devoted to glass. Due to this, tracery was developed as a new way to define a space. With the availability of more wall space devoted to windows, architects needed a way to create large spans of glass. The tracery made of stone or metal, was a way to hold the glass in place. In order to emphasize the pattern that was created, the tracery was made as delicate as possible. Tracery was the beginning of modern mullion and glass-to-glass connections.