Thursday, April 17, 2014

English Renaissance: Queen Anne Style

One of the most distinguishable and widely known design styles that originated during the English Renaissance was the Queen Anne style. It came about during the Middle Renaissance between 1660 and 1750. Although Queen Anne was neither interested or influential in the design of the period, it grew into the popular style it is today. It became known as the golden age of cabinet work and mahogany became the preferred wood of the time.

William Kent, the main designer from this period, was the first English architect to design furniture for specific interiors. He was inspired by both Palladian and Baroque concepts.

The furniture started to take on new designs and it started to become lighter, smaller, and more comfortable. The chairs from this time had no carvings, only general shapes, padded seats, slots along the back, and a claw and ball foot. Both the Wing chair and the Windsor chair originated during this time as well as the card table. Wing chairs have remained popular and can still been seen frequently in modern design.

Historic Wing Chair
Modern Wing Chair

The Queen Anne style is still a very popular and well known style. Many times the features from this time can be seen in dining rooms. It makes a very elegant yet comfortable space.


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