Friday, September 18, 2015

Protomodernism: Frank Lloyd Wright

Protomodernism was a period that includes many subcategories including the Deutscher Werkbund, Vienna Secession, De Stijl, and others. Frank Lloyd Wright was also a key contributor to this movement.

Although there were many different styles in the Protomodernism
movement, this post will focus on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright not only helped contribute to modernism, he also helped develop a regional style of Architecture in America. As an architect most of Wrights works were modest homes. After developing his own firm in 1893, Wrights works began to show characteristics that were influenced by different styles such as the Victorian, Arts and Crafts, and Queen Anne periods. Wright's goal was to develop a design that was uniquely American. For him, the family was the focus of designing houses which is shown through the attention used in placing the fireplace, doors, and dining tables. Wright's later work can be identified by being organic and asymmetrical. The features that define the "Prairie Style" such as the strong horizontal roof can be seen in his Ward Willets House from 1902. Wright also carried his architecture features into the furniture design. With his more extensive plans cross axes are evident and the public areas of the home are formed by interconnecting spaces instead of separate, walled off rooms.

Image result for frank lloyd wright house interiors  

The influence that Frank Lloyd Wright had on American architecture can still be seen today not only in his historical homes but in modern Prairie Style homes.

      Image result for modern prairie style architecture   Image result for modern prairie style architecture

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