Wednesday, January 22, 2014


One of the many great things that the Greek civilization contributed to modern architecture includes the Classic orders. There were various types of classic orders the first three include the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The Greeks made huge advances in architecture. They used human perception to make buildings pleasing to the eye by not spacing all of their columns evenly. Although they weren't evenly spaced, they look like they are. The Greeks also used a technique called entasis making the shafts tapered getting narrower at the top which gave the buildings a taller look. The Doric order was very shortest and the heaviest looking. It was very basic and there was no decoration or detail to the capital. The Ionic order was a more delicate and feminine. It included volutes or scroll-like features on the capital. The Corinthian order had bases unlike the other two orders. Like the Ionic order it was highly decorative. It had both the volutes and leaf decoration on the capital.  

Another huge feature that we got from the Greek culture was the motifs. The three main motifs were floral and marine, egg and dart, and the Greek key. Decorations were a huge part of the Greek culture and became important to the architecture. Many of the motifs that were created during this time are still used today in design and architecture. 

Huge advances were also made in furniture. Tables, stools, chairs, and couches were created and the styles are still influential today. The Klismos chair was one of the chairs developed by the Greeks. It was a delicate chair with splayed legs made for woman.


  1. I agree that the Greek civilization created amazing architectural pieces. The three classic orders you mentioned, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian are all used in modern architecture. I have seen all three of these types used in new construction around the world. I agree that they are pleasing to the eye and can make a building look totally different. Also, I see motifs from the Greek culture everywhere in todays culture. From notebooks to phone cases to wallpaper in homes. The Greeks made a big impact in design and I love how we still find it attractive today.

  2. I discussed your blog post here:
