Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The Romans have a lot of influence on modern design and architecture but I think that one of the biggest things that we can take away from the time period is the insula. The Romans designed insulas to have shops on the ground floor and to have apartments on the upper floors. These insulas were dangerous, poorly lit, and had no plumbing. There was a large risk due to fires and unhealthy conditions. The insulas have been adapted along with culture and technological advances but the apartment way of living is still a major component in every day life today.

Another huge contribution from the Romans was the invention of concrete. Before this, builders used mud, bricks, and stone to construct their buildings. The discovery of concrete allowed for major advances in the buildings from this time period. Concrete allowed for new styles and designs including arcs, domes, and vaults. Concrete plays a huge role in not only everyday life today but also in architecture just like in ancient Rome. Many modern homes and buildings are designed with an emphasis on their concrete construction.

The Romans, unlike the Greeks, also had a new appreciation for not just temples, but for public areas. The Greeks focused on the temples and places of worship but the Romans created baths, theaters, markets, and warehouses. In order to gain public support, the emperors would fund the building of bathhouses. Public bathhouses were elaborate structures that allowed little privacy for the people there. They became social areas and were a great way for leaders to make the people happy.  


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