Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Byzantine Empire

During his rule over the Byzantine empire, Constantine moved the capital to his city Constantinople and made it a rich center for art. Artists of this time period turned away from the typical Roman artistic practices like having statues. Their art became evocative and rich and is focused on Christ.

The Byzantine period had three phases of art that related to the political structure of the empire and how far it reached geographically. The first phase, because the borders reflected those of the Roman Empire, the art reflected the Roman art. At the same time though, it also had Christian values in it. The second stage of Byzantine art has a strong Islamic influence. It was a more medieval, coherent, and strongly Christian. Ivory and enamel were very apparent in the furniture and other precious objects. The last stage of the art reflects the fact that the Constantinople was the spiritual center of the empire that had started to diminish and held only a limited amount of Greek territories.

We can still see Byzantine art reflected in today's society in painting and other art in Churches and other places of worship. The art from this time greatly reflected the rising popularity of Christianity. The influence of focusing art of religion is still very prevalent today. 

Believe it or not, it can even inspire the changing fashion trends that we have!!!!

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