Monday, February 3, 2014


One of the many amazing things that we were able to learn from the ruins left behind in Pompeii was the four different styles of painting that the Romans had. The first was when they made the painted stucco to mimic other materials such as marble or other stones. This style was referred to as "Trompe l'oeil" or "trick of the eye."  The first style was popular from 300-100 B.C.E.

The second style, from 100-20 B.C.E, mimicked architecture and buildings. It included columns, arches, entablatures. The most popular color that was used was referred to as "Pompeian Red."

The third style, which was popular from 20-50 C.E., shows more architecture but most of it was unbuildable. This style also includes landscapes. Because of Augustus' attempt to transform Rome into the capital he believed it could be, the third style relates to both him and his successor Tiberius.

The fourth and final style of painting corresponds to the reign of Claudius (40-79 C.E.). They were large scenes and panoramic views and included lots of figures and movement as well as luxurious details and ornamentation.  

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